The Corridors of Power: Women and Men in Governance (2005) |

The Corridors of Power: Women and Men in Governance 14-01-2008 THE CORRIDORS OF POWER: WOMEN AND MEN IN GOVERNANCESeries: Gender Equality Monitoring AgencyAuthors: Magdanela
Delinesheva, Tatyana KmetovaPublished by CWSP, Sofia 2005Pages: 32Paper-backed
This publication of the CWSP on the political participation of ...
Projects |

Projects and Events 14-01-2008 CWSP participates in national and international projects, organizes or provides at invitation training on different
gender issues for representatives of the central, regional and local administrations, as well as discussions forums,
roundtables and confer...
Elections for Members of the European Parliament 2007 |
Violence against Women |

ACTIVITIES.Bulgaria? (fact sheet in English and Bulgarian)
Monitoring the issue of violence against women in Bulgaria (research)
Participation in the ...
Donations |

Donated Books 28-02-2007 The Center of
Women's Studies and Policies distributes regularly its published editions at round tables, seminars, trainings and
conferences on gender issues in
Bulgaria and abroad.
As an act of charity and in order to raise public awareness ...
2006 Campaign |

The 16 days in 2006 30-11-2006 The name of this-year 16 Days Campaign – Advance Human Rights – End Violence Against Women focuses public
attention on the state’s responsibilities for implementing the international documents in the field of prevention and
fight with violence against wom...
Academic Conference |

Academic Conferences 28-11-2006 Since 2006 the CWSP has initiated the organization of national academic conferences, dedicated to gender equality
issues, which will gather the representatives of academia, working in that field.
Because of the character of its work – providing informat...
Gender and Transition - 2006 |

National Academic Conference “Gender and Transition” 22-11-2006 On 24 November 2006 the first National academic conference “Gender and transition” took place in Sofia. The
conference was organized by the Center of Women’s Studies and Policies and aimed at providing representatives of
different departments of the Bulga...

UNGASS in SHARP Focus 26-05-2006 UNGASS in SHARP Focus is an initiative of the OSI/SHARP (sexual health and rights project). It’s purpose it to
provide information about key sexual health and rights issues and activities arising in the process of the UNGASS
review. It is directed both ...
Women"s Entrepreneurship |
Appeals |
Women from Different Ethnic Groups |

Activities and initiatives 13-01-2006 The CWSP has extensive experience in working for and /or with women from different ethnic groups as well as with
disadvantaged groups of women:
· developing training programs and implementing trainings;
· organizing conference and rou...
2005 Campaign |

The 16 Days worldwide in 2005 12-12-2005 The information about the 16 Days Campaign 2005 in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Hungary, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Macedonia,
Mongolia, Serbia and Montenegro, Ukraine is complied from the Stop Violence against women website, www.stopvaw.org ....

The 16 Days in Bulgaria 24-11-2005 The 16 days campaign 2005 in Bulgaria officially started for a 15 time with a press conference organized by Nadja
Center and the Bulgarian Media Coalition with the financial support of the British Embassy in Bulgaria on 25 November
2005. Given that this i...

2004 Campaign |

Women’s Health |

Women's Health Program 21-09-2005 The CWSP tries to keep you informed and updated about major national and international initiatives and events with
regard to women’s health problem areas. The Women’s Health Program encompasses CWSP’s activities in:
Parliamentary Elections 2005 |

40 National Assembly 04-07-2005 On 16 August 2005 the Parliament approved the new Government formed by three parties – Coalition for Bulgaria,
Simeon the Second National Movement and Movement for Rights and Freedoms. After the conseqent formation of the
political cabinets, the current d...