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Center of Women’s Studies and Policies
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Welcome to our website and the page developed especially for you - young friends, teachers and parents! This will be the territory where we will talk about the relationships between people, what means to be a woman or a man in our modern society, what are equal rights, opportunities and treatment in the context of our everyday life.

Our organisation - the Center of Women's Studies and Policies (more), tries to find answers to such questions because we consider that even today and in our country there are still inequalities, though we  are all equal by the law. Because all humans - no matter men or women, people from different ethnic groups or with different sexual orientation, should enjoy equal opportunities for success in life and should be treted equally.

We train people with different professions in what gender equality is, how it is achieved in practice in a democratic society and what other countries in the EU or across the world are doing about it. Thus came the idea to develop our educational programmes in gender equality for school students at every age.

We called this initiative "Eqyal at School - Eqaul in Life" because we are convinced that one of the most important factors for achieving real gender equality is the school together with the family. That is why we started developing appropriate materials for children and yound people as well as for their teachers and parents.

This will be a long process and we will appreciate the help and support of the educational community to finally reach that end.

However, the first step has been done  - the online module for school students from 5 to 7 class is already available on our website. It has been developed to adress the children from this specific age group, their parents and teachers, and all our visitors, who find the topic interesting. More about the training module concept and the project under which it was developed.

Meet Lilly and Danny, who will share what they have learnt about the topics of our 5 "lessons". Be sure that you will learn, just like us, interesting and curious things but some quite depressing facts as well. And you will start asking yourselves many questions, which you have never thought about before.

Training module for school students from 5-7 class





This training module on gender equality for school students is developed under the project "Equal at School - Equal in Life", financed by the European Youth Foundation to the Council of Europe in the framework of the "All Different, All Equal" European Youth Campaign for Diversity, Human Rights and Participation; the Directorate on Culture and Education of Sofia Municipality and CWSP's own resources. 


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For students
• V-VII class
For teachers
For parents

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